Installation of Cantor Michelle Rubin, Friday, June 10, 6 pm

Join us for the installation of Cantor Michelle Rubin  as our Cantor and Religious School Director at fora  family-friendly Shabbat Dinner and Service on Friday night, June 10.

Cantor Michelle was invested by the Jewish Theological Seminary’s H.L. Miller Cantorial School, from which she received a Master of Sacred Music and a Diploma of Hazzan in 1999.

Before joining the clergy team at GRS, Cantor Rubin served as Cantor and Education/Youth Director at Montebello Jewish Center in Suffern, NY and as the Cantor at Temple Israel in Ridgewood, NJ. Cantor Rubin is the past president of the JTS Cantorial School Alumni Association and an active member of the Cantors Assembly Education Committee.

Prior to her cantorial studies, Cantor Rubin worked in a variety of Jewish settings as a teacher and youth advisor. She received a Bachelor of Music in Opera from the Hartt School of Music and two Master of Music degrees in Vocal Performance and Vocal Pedagogy from the New England Conservatory. Cantor Rubin lives in Hartsdale, NY with her husband Jeffrey Gross and her children, Erica and Kara Freedman, and has grown stepchildren, Mitchell and Abby Gross.

For more details, please contact or call 203-629-0018.




